For the millions of women who suffer from genital atrophy, the Mona Lisa Touch vaginal tightening system has the potential to be life-changing. This revolutionary laser procedure utilizes fractional CO2 laser energy to stimulate blood flow to the vagina and collagen production in the vaginal wall. The result is restored vaginal elasticity, a tighter vagina, and improved lubrication.
Many women make good candidates for Mona Lisa vaginal tightening, including those experiencing laxity and vaginal dryness caused by pregnancy, menopause, or cancer treatments. You might benefit from the procedure if you experience:
- Vaginal dryness
- Loss of vaginal tightness
- Bladder leakage (incontinence)
- Pain during intercourse
- Low sexual satisfaction
Imagine experiencing a revived libido and a tighter, more lubricated vaginal wall. Imagine throwing away the HRT vaginal creams and lubrication for good. Though results vary from woman to woman, if you miss the life you once had before vaginal dryness and atrophy set in, the Mona Lisa Touch could be right for you.
What to Expect During Treatment
Mona Lisa vaginal tightening treatments are safe treatments that occur from the comfort of our office. Most patients liken the experience to getting a routine gynecological exam – a virtually painless experience that requires no anesthesia at all. The system uses pulsed fractional CO2 lasers – a technology that has a long history of use in facial rejuvenation treatments. Using the same principles, the laser creates tiny pin-sized holes in the vaginal wall, which stimulates the reparative process within the body. As a result, new, healthy tissue is generated, improving the overall vaginal tone.
Though you are likely to notice significant benefits after the first Mona Lisa Touch treatment, you will need to return for two additional sessions approximately six weeks apart to enjoy the full benefits of the treatment. In addition, you may need annual follow-up visits each year.