About Dr. Drai

Draion M Burch, “Dr. Drai”, DO, FACOOG
America’s OBGYN™

Know the State of the Heart Before You Discuss State of the Art Treatments

Taking care of yourself is more than a basic necessity. It’s crucial to living the happy, full life you want. You can’t take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself first.

Dr. Drai has spent the last 13 years changing the lives of the patients he sees regularly. He has helped hundreds of women transform their lives by starting with education and prevention, so they can take control of their own health.

Good health is as much a mental state as it is a physical one. When Dr. Drai works with his patients, he starts with the state of the heart first. Early on, he recognized how important a woman’s relationships with herself and those around her are to her overall health. Once these relationships are healed, good health always follows.

Dr. Drai’s 3 Cs




Meet Dr. Draion Burch
America’s OBGYN

Dr. Draion (Dr. Drai) Burch, DO, FACOOG, was born and raised in Southern Mississippi. He earned his undergraduate degree from Xavier University of Louisiana. He then moved on to Ohio University for his Doctorate of Osteopathic Medicine and completed his internship and residency at Michigan State University.

He is regularly involved in women’s health policy initiatives at the national level. He also served on the Board of Trustees for the American Osteopathic Association and the American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

Dr. Drai has been seen and heard by millions of women via television and radio. He is also regularly covered by national print publications who tell his story and share his mission of helping women to live happy, healthy lives.

Dr. Drai’s Story

Dr. Drai knew he wanted to be a doctor by the age of 6.

While with his grandmother, who cleaned houses for doctors, he heard his own heartbeat through a stethoscope. This sound hooked him immediately and he knew he wanted to spend his life healing people.

He also lost his grandmother to ovarian cancer. Hearing the stories from his mother of how poorly his grandmother was treated shaped his philosophy of patient care.

Originally, Dr. Drai intended to go into cardiology, until he delivered a baby during his residency. That experience transformed him forever and a week before he had to declare his focus, he switched to obstetrics and gynecology.

Caring for women throughout the physical and mental changes in their lives is important. Dr. Drai is a strong advocate for women’s health, including preventative medicine and continuity of care, encourages women to be active in their own care plans.

Working with Dr. Drai

The nature of women’s healthcare is very intimate and many of the procedures are intrusive. Because of this, Dr. Drai recognizes that there must be a great deal of trust between him and his patients. He cultivates this by encouraging open communication and treating his patients like family.

“If you’re going to invest in me, I’m going to invest in you.”

When you become a patient, Dr. Drai is there to support you in everything. He is fully dedicated to your health and wellbeing. He doesn’t just treat your body and physical ailments. He also helps you reprogram your brain, so you fall in love with yourself again.

Dr. Drai’s focus on education and preventative medicine will help you put your own life back on track, giving you the wherewithal to be there for those you love. His holistic medical philosophy takes all aspects of your life into consideration, body, mind and soul. He believes that by treating all three, you will have the happy, healthy life you want and deserve.

To learn more about the services Dr. Drai offers, please visit his Services page.