
Progesterone And You

Progesterone is a hormone naturally produced in the female body. As women age, progesterone levels decrease and as women reach menopause, they need to supplement with progesterone to help prevent hot flashes and restore the body’s hormones to a more normal level.

Progesterone production is high during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and low during the follicular phase as well as being low before puberty and after menopause. Women who suffer from PMS, peri-menopause, post-menopause, vaginal dryness, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, uterine fibroid tumors, and endometrial carcinoma may benefit from progesterone therapy.

So, how do you choose the right natural progesterone supplement? Supplemental sources of progesterone are available in oral and cream forms as well as lozenges, suppositories, and injectable forms. “Natural” progesterone refers to the type that matches exactly the substance produced in a woman’s body, as opposed to related synthesized molecules. The natural forms are preferred to the synthetic forms of progesterone by some doctors.

When a woman takes progesterone she may experience improved cholesterol levels, improved sleep, mood, concentration, and memory, reduced risk of depression, reduced risk of endometrial cancer and breast cancer, reduced risk of senility, and cognitive decline, and finally enhanced libido.

When taking any hormone replacement supplements make sure that you consult with your doctor, only he or she knows what is best for you. Since supplements, vitamins, or replacement therapies may include side effects, you want your doctors’ advice first before administering these remedies.

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