
Heart Disease

Heart disease includes a variety of issues that affect the heart. This includes problems with the way a heart beats (arrhythmias), heart defects, and issues with blood vessels like coronary artery disease. The term heart disease is synonymous with cardiovascular disease. Many types of heart disease can be improved or prevented through lifestyle changes.

What are the symptoms of heart disease?

If a person is suffering from heart disease that affects their vessels they’re likely to experience shortness of breath, chest pain, pain in the neck, jaw, or upper abdomen or back, and angina. While a person isn’t often diagnosed with heart disease until they experience a heart attack or other episode, you might be able to pick up these symptoms ahead of time and bring them up to your doctor.

When a person suffers from an abnormal heartbeat, they might experience a variety of symptoms due to their heart beating too fast, too slow, or irregularly. These symptoms might include a racing heartbeat or slow heartbeat, dizziness, chest pain, or fluttering in the chest.

Heart Disease in Women

In the United States it is estimated that 25% of women die of heart disease related illnesses. Coronary heart disease is the most common form of heart disease and is the number one killer of men and women.

This form of heart disease is caused by a buildup of plaque in a person’s arteries. As the plaque builds up blood flow is restricted. This causes the heart to have to work harder to pump blood through the body. When plaque ruptures it can cause a blood clot and ultimately lead to a heart attack.

Recent studies suggest that this deadly plaque builds up more in women than in men.

How can I prevent heart disease?

The most important thing you can do to prevent heart disease is to eat a diet high in healthy fats like avocado and olive oil, as well as lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Avoid foods high in sugars and saturated fats, which contribute directly to the development of this disease.

It’s also important that you maintain an exercise regime. Exercise plays an important part in keeping your heart healthy and ensuring it can pump your blood with ease.

We also recommend you come in for a screening with Dr. Drai. His extensive experience treating women’s health issues means he will be able to understand what your current condition is, what he should be looking for, and if he finds any issues he can design a treatment plan that is tailored to your unique needs.

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